Pinecrest City Music Project

Soli Tutti Since 2018

Soli Tutti

[sOH-lee tOO-tee]


Chamber Instruction Symphony Orchestra

We educate students to become holistic arts leaders, both in and outside of the classroom.

Full Education.

Full Circle.

Our guiding force at PCMP is establishing a strong sense of community. With this, our program allows for students to use the arts as a vehicle to develop leadership, communication, and advocacy skills.

Our Curriculum Model. Phase 1: Elementary K-5, Artistic Foundation. Phase 2: Middle School 6-8, Advocacy & Communication. Phase 3: High School, Mentorship & Leadership.
Curriculum Phase 1: Elementary K-5. Students learn the foundational skills of their artistic discipline through our 8 weekly programming offerings. In primary grade levels, we focus on group-based instructional growth within the students' intended discipline. As students mature into intermediate grade levels, we couple their foundational artistic growth with conservatory-style curriculum towards public middle school opportunities. Our elementary programming is taught through our peer-based instructional model by High School staff. This model has been been proven highly effective with a 96% retention rate and 100% middle school arts program acceptance.
Curriculum Phase 2: Middle School 6-8. As they transition into middle school, students continue to develop their musical prowess, in addition to the growth of our organization's 'holistic' core values: leadership, communication, and advocacy skills. In this phase, we promote programming for Miami middle school arts students to be engaged and involved in advocating for arts in our schools. Students learn how to translate their passion for the arts into effective, productive activism in our local community through dialogue with our community.
Curriculum Phase 3: High School 9-12. Transitioning into high school, the student has come “full-circle,” now serving as an artistic instructor in the program in which they first began their arts education journey. High School students are also granted the opportunity to serve in an administrative capacity within the organization, which allows for real-word career-building development in  Nonprofit management, finance, grantsmanship, operations, curriculum, and marketing. In this phase, high school students also act as facilitators for our middle school programs. Through their volunteer work in managing the organization, high school students are able to receive a stipend for continued education in their career field of interest.